
It provide moderate sedation. Take two pills (Triazolam) one hour before treatment and you should feel more relaxed during the procedure. A designated driver is needed and recovery takes a few hours. 


This allows the dentist to diagnose problems and recommend a plan for the patient. The plan is customized to the patient’s needs. The digital x-ray technology gives off less radiation compared to traditional film x-rays. The x-rays allow the dentist to see between teeth, the roots, and the bone holding the teeth. 

A professional cleaning is usually recommended every 6 months. It helps you get rid of the bacteria below the gum where your toothbrush cannot reach. Teeth cleaning should not be overlooked as it is the foundation to maintain good oral health. Part of the cleaning includes polishing and fluoride treatment. These are done to remove stains on our teeth and to minimize cavities.

It is pain-free and complimentary in our new patient exam and annual exam. The key to treat oral cancer is to treat EARLY. People over the age of 45 are at higher risk, especially in those who consume tobacco or alcohol products.


Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of custom made porcelain that are permanently glued onto  the front surface of your teeth with minimal preparation. They can greatly improve the color, shape and alignment of your teeth.

Composite veneer is a more economical alternative to porcelain veneer. It achieves a similar result by using our white filling material. However they tend to stain and chip more easily which will require more frequent maintenance.

 You will see immediate result. However it tends to cause a bit of sensitivity. Take home teeth whitening kit will be needed to maintain the whitening effect.

You will see gradual whitening of teeth over 2 weeks. You will wear the custom tray with whitening gel for 30 minutes a day for 2 weeks. It tends to cause less sensitivity.

We provide Botox Treatment for forehead, eyebrows, eyes and  clenching muscle.

Cost: $8/unit

Brand: Allergan Botox


We use premium white composite filling material to restore the structure and integrity of the teeth. It is indicated to treat cavities and small chips on our teeth. It can be used to create a beautiful smile as well.

A dental crown is a custom tooth-coloured “cap” that sits on your tooth. It can strengthen teeth and prevent teeth fracture,. It can also be used to create a beautiful smile. If your tooth is broken, there is a chance we can still put a crown on it.

Root canal is performed when the infection is deep into the nerve. The tooth is cleaned out and disinfected so it will get you out of pain. The tooth can be saved by putting a dental crown on it.   

Tooth Replacment

Depending on your situation, this is usually the ideal method to replace a missing tooth. A titanium screw is placed in the bone and a crown is screwed in on top. They function like an independent tooth. 

It is a chain of dental crowns joined together to replace a missing tooth or a series of missing teeth. It requires healthy stable teeth on both sides to support the bridge. 

It is a removable option to replace missing teeth. It is less comfortable to wear but is a budget-friendly option. It is made of acrylic with an option to be reinforced with metal.


When wisdom teeth don’t come out properly, they can cause pain, swelling and inflammation. In the event that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, our dentist will gladly offer conscious sedation to help alleviate your dental anxiety. 


Triazolam is the medication we use for oral sedation. It is safe and very effective. It is able to provide moderate sedation. You can feel drowsy for the rest of the day so pick up needs to be arranged ahead of time. You will also have post-amnesic effect.


We provide complimentary orthodontic consultation. Invisalign is a great option for all ages. We have an intra oral scanner to provide you real time simulation of your teeth movement during your Invisalign treatment. It allows for easy brushing and flossing at home and there is no metal on your teeth.

Traditional braces is a good option for the children and teens. It is fixed on their teeth, so they will never lose or forget about wearing their Invisalign trays.    

Expanders (fixed or removable) can promote bone growth in young children. When we can promote bone growth early, we can create the space required for the adult teeth. This can minimize crowding of teeth and prevent future extraction and surgery. The best time to assess if your child needs an expander is around 6 years old.


We offer the full spectrum of children dental service including cleaning,  dental fillings, extraction and braces. Dr. Teresa loves seeing children patients and building a trusting relationship.  


A nightguard is customized to fit your teeth. It is less bulky than the ones bought at a pharmacy. It is a removable appliance you wear at night that covers either the top or boom teeth.  It helps protect your teeth from wear as the result of grinding. 

We offer different materials and designs for your night guard. 

We provide Botox Treatment for forehead, eyebrows, eyes and  clenching muscle.

Cost: $8/unit

Brand: Allergan Botox

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a challenging problem that affects our patient’s quality of life. Many patients cannot tolerate the use of a CPAP machine. 

A dental appliance which we call ‘snore-guard’ is a great option to help with sleep apnea. It gently holds the mouth and throat in an open forward position during sleep and thus allow for adequate breathing. 

A sleep analysis will need to be done prior to making an appliance. A sleep analysis will be prescribed by your family doctor.